Black Hills Vacations > Knowledge base> Article: What is the climate in the Black Hills

What is the climate in the Black Hills

Article ID: 43968 Print
What is the climate in the Black Hills?


 We are fortunate to have four seasons:


                      Spring (late March - mid-June) - Mostly sunny days, but this can be the rainy season. Spring snow showers are a possibility through mid May. Temperatures can range from the 40s (4°C) to the 80s (27°C).                    

                      Summer (mid-June - mid-September) - Warm (sometimes hot) days and cool nights are the norm from mid-June through mid-September.

                      Fall (mid-September - November) - Comfortable warm weather through September and crisp cool weather into November make fall an excellent time to explore South Dakota.

                      Winter (December - early March) - While temperatures can be cold, cold spells usually alternate with milder weather. Snowfall is prevalent-providing excellent conditions for winter sports.


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Views: 7536 Created on: Apr 28, 2014
Date updated: Mar 21, 2020

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