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Mount Rushmore - how much time should I allow

Article ID: 95787 Print
How much time do I need to allow at Mt Rushmore


The memorial offers a variety of activities so plan to spend at least four hours there. The annual parking pass ($10) gives guests the opportunity for multiple visits during their stay.  Best time to take photos is in the morning so go early, take your photos and enjoy breakfast at the Carver's Marketplace that opens each day at 8:00 a.m.  The mountain is illuminated each evening at dusk and the evening lighting ceremony takes place nightly from late May through September 30th. Visitors are encouraged to go early, enjoy dinner, walk the presidential trail and enjoy the evening lighting ceremony. Mount Rushmore also features a Sculptor's Studio, Borglum Museum, a gift shop, an information center, and an award-winning audio tour. LEARN MORE

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Article Details
Views: 2731 Created on: Apr 05, 2018
Date updated: Mar 21, 2020
