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What time are the Deadwood shootouts? What is the cost?

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What time are the Deadwood shootouts? What is the cost?


Experience the historically accurate reenactments of Deadwood’s unusual gunfights. The affrays take place during the summer months (May 22nd – Sept. 21st) in Deadwood's Historic Main Street. The shootouts occur three (3) times a day, six (6) days a week, no killin' on Sundays. When the shots ring out don't fret none, it's just the Deadwood Alive gunslingers comin' out to play. Each street performance is realistic fun for the whole family and is FREE!

  • 2:00PM – The Strange Case of David Lunt - See one of the strangest shootings in Deadwood’s early history. David Lunt made his way to Deadwood to make his fortune in the gold fields. Little did he know, he would leave his mark on Deadwood history in a saloon, and not in a sluice box. Sixty-seven days after the incident, things came to a surprising end for old David Lunt.
  • 4:00PM – Showdown on Gold Street - Two gamblers disagree about the outcome of a poker game and decide the best way to settle this is to pull their six guns and shoot it out. Things don't go as either gambler expected, and the result is a Deadwood legend. Come watch this “shootout at high noon” (well, it’s noon somewhere) and see who comes out on top.
  • 6:00PM – Boone May and Prescott Webb Affray - Shotgun messenger and head hunter, Boone May, catches up with the men who robbed the stagecoach he was guarding a few short weeks back. Boone May and Ike Goldman are strolling down the street when…who does Ike see in front of them, but the same three robbers from just a couple weeks prior. Witness how many shots are exchanged with an unusual outcome.

**Special Shootout Dates:** Outlaw Square (Deadwood Main Street Square) will be held August 2nd-5th. No shootouts will take place August 8th-15th due to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Activities will resume to the normal on the 16th.

**BONUS SHOOTOUT** The shooting of James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok is held daily inside Saloon No.10 at 1:00PM, 3:00PM, 5:00PM and 7:00PM

Click here for more shootout information.

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Views: 4604 Created on: Apr 22, 2020
Date updated: Mar 03, 2021
